Road Trip DAY TWO: A Day of Heat, Golf, Dirty Feet, and Dirty On the Road Secrets…

Screen shot 2015-07-26 at 9.33.34 PMCurrently, I am sitting on the cool tile floor in a hallway with my back up against one wall, and my feet the other. I am 100% positive my feet are dirtying the pretty cream wall paint… we will consider this dirty secret no.1.

As soon as I remove said feet, I will sneakily crawl away from the hallway, stand up, and pretend those 10 little tootsie marks, aren’t mine.

This is how TIRED I am at the moment. Dirty tootsie leaving, sneak out in the middle of the night, tired. I blame it on the heat.

Yes, it was 108 today at some point in the day. While we were out golfing this morning (18 horrible for me holes, I played horrible, golf is OK – me not so much) it got up to 102. I DO NOT know how y’all can live in the desert. I do not know how people can live in the south… and here we still have yet to travel to; New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, and FLORIDA! Good Lord.

The plus side of the day was spending time with family, eating pizza, and walking into a Goodwill and finding a stack of Pyrex lids marked at 1.99e – Woo Hoo! I collect Pyrex and in Pyrex land this was like the Holy Grail. The dishes on their own are spectacular… but with the lids they are most desirable! Now I have a plethora of lids, and oh BTW I will be buying MORE Pyrex along this journey. Secret No.2.Screen shot 2015-07-26 at 9.33.44 PM


What can I say about golf? I knew when I first met my husband golf was going to have to become my thing if I ever wanted to see him again. He LOVES the game so much a few years back he turned Professional and plays in tournaments. While his score hasn’t gone low enough to qualify for any tournaments yet – his heart has one each one he has entered. It really is something to be 38 & 40 and traveling across the country on basically an all expense paid trip. We are staying with family a majority of the way and thanks to Intel Corporation where Jeff works, he was allotted the time off and the most comfortable car to drive in. It is a very special holiday… that’s for sure!

I wonder what my “DIRTIEST” road trip secret is… there was the time we had our son pee into a travel cup in traffic, there were those times when they because getting rouge about the cabin (you know when “please remain seated” is overruled by “I don’t care just be quiet”), there is the “let’s grab a candy bar/tummy trash every time we stop at a gas station guilt”, the “Oh, Andrew isn’t really sick… he just ate TOO MUCH OH MY GOD QUICK PULLOVER TOO LATE” in the rental car. Not too awful I suppose, mostly centered around guilt and the awful feeling of breaking the seatbelt law (which wasn’t an issue when I was a kid) makes me wonder how any of us are still alive today. Do I like the thought of traveling with kids as “free agents” in the vehicle. NO. I think it is better to pull over and go to a McDonald’s Play Place. Which now that we are headed to the south I’m sure we will be at the Chick Fil’a every chance we get.


Why do we break the law? God’s laws, man’s laws, any law? I believe the majority of the time we break laws because we are tired. Tired of being so “good” all the time. Tired of the struggle, tired of opposition, tired of DRIVING. We drive SO MUCH we don’t know why we are “driving” any more. Take the burglar, a tired and over worked person who can make a buck by taking it – quicker than a buck by making it. It is the same with the prostitute, the gambling addict, the parent in that car holding their kid on their lap. They are TIRED and they NEED to PULL OVER.

Maybe this is you? Maybe you aren’t breaking any laws that mater, but you haven’t been eating the best or exercising like you like. I bet you are just tired. You probably just need to take a nap! I will list some tips of ways you too can recover from working too hard…

  • Get away for a looong weekend
  • Schedule a babysitter once a week
  • Walk to coffee instead of drive
  • Walk around your block until you feel better
  • Sleep in
  • Take a day off of work
  • Ride a bike
  • Get a pedicure or manicure
  • Take yourself and a friend to dinner

Whatever you decide to do. DO SOMETHING. Get some rest, stay safe, don’t break laws. Be your own best friend and treat yourself the very best, when you are done maybe get up and go to the kitchen sink, get a rag and wipe those dirty tootsie prints off the wall. Screen shot 2015-07-26 at 9.33.58 PM

Stay tuned tomorrow as we head to Albuquerque, New Mexico!!