World… Meet “Betty”


Before I get started on this particular blog, and introduce you to our future “Happy Little Camper”, allow me to explain how our family works… we name our cars. ALL of our cars, it is as if unless we name them they aren’t apart of our family. Can cars be family members? I think so… our truck (the one which will be pulling our soon to be Happy Little Camper) it’s name is Captain Jack Sparrow.

His predecessor was “The Black Pearl”, while our second family car (the minivan) is named “Will Turner”. Our third car (which doesn’t run due to failing a smog check -or two- and is more like a ‘one-day-wouldn’t-it-be-great-if-we-could-fix-this-car’ cars name is Maximillion.

So, it was only natural we would name our new car/trailer/home on wheels ‘Elizabeth Swan’ because of her Ugly Duckling nature, and the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. We call her “Betty”. The funniest thing about all of this Pirate talk, is we aren’t even Piratey type people… except that one time…

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Explanation? Um… it was a birthday party, and my husband has always dreamed of becoming Magnum P.I., LOL.


Here is Captain Jack and his new hitch ready to pull our new travel trailer. On Monday we took a family drive out to Lodi, California which is near Sacramento.

While there, we meet up with a rather interesting character (I’ll call him BOB) who had been traveling with the Grateful Dead for the last 5 years. Now it has always been my intention to turn our finding of The Happy Little Camper into a children’s story… our story has just taken quite the odd turn.

In my imagination The Happy Little Camper had a start like this… “Once upon a time down a long and crooked dirty road sat a very sad and lonely little camper.”


Strawberries were administered to our two year old on our drive out to pick up Elizabeth. As was my laptop and the Cars movie on loop.

Jerry Seinfeld should come up with “Kids Watching Cars in Cars” as his next YouTube project. (Side-note if you have never watched Jerry’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee on YouTube you must!)


These two have “trouble” written all over their faces.


Here is what I have for our story so far…

Not too far away, where the almond trees grow and the sun shines hot on the California dirt, there lived a sad and bent up little trailer.”

“A nice man had owned her, and he loved her very much. He tried as best as he could to fix her up. He painted her with bright blue paint (?) and had dreams of painting her roof bright red – for he was a Patriot.”


“Unfortunately though, he couldn’t keep her. His bills had gotten too high and his pockets had run too dry. He had a growing family of his own to think about, and while this made the little camper even more sad, soon a new family came to look inside her and see if they could help her.”


“The families youngest son checked out her old dirty stove and questioned his mother. The little trailer was embarrassed.”


“The families second to youngest son touched her flooring and saw it was like the flooring they had at home, and this excited the sad and dented little trailer.”


“The third son who was along for the ride began to see past the sad little trailers dented and beat up facade. He scratched his head while standing in her and said… ‘You know, this trailer is pretty all right. With a little bit of paint and some hard work, she will one day be the greatest!'”


“‘WE LOVE HER!’ The children shouted with joy instead of running away in fright. Elizabeth will be her name they agreed, and then they planned on sleeping in her that very night!”

The End… for now.

Next blog… mom gets to start taking stuff apart. *sigh*

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