Our Sad Little Trailer, the Grand Tour

the happy little camper skbk

I’m not gonna lie. I’m overwhelmed with this particular project. This is one of those times I would like to have a sibling, or two, or three… the kind of relationship with a person where you can call them up and say “Hey… I have this sad little trailer and all these lofty ideals for it… can you come over and help me?” I tried to get the kids involved, let’s just say they’d rather be playing in it than priming it. *boo hoo* It would appear the attention span for painting and priming is around the length of a vine video. (Insert mom eye roll)


The ELECTRIC blue has got to go! Seeing our kids playing in our trailer gives me mixed emotions. Looking under, over, and through this trailer I have found dirt, insect remnants and rodent droppings. This is not my favorite kind of job. If you would have asked me as a teenager what my favorite car was I would have told you the truth… a limousine. This project is FAR from limo worthy. #nottooproudtowork


There is BLUE OVER-SPRAY ON THE GLASS WINDOW. smh… what am I doing?


The tour continues into the kitchen, with the oven. I have no idea how this could even stay. While it was working when we first bought the trailer… I don’t know if I can ever clean it up to Pinterest status.

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Pinterest is absolute torture. I have no idea why I even have a Pinterest board (https://www.pinterest.com/wholeheartart/the-happy-little-camper/) except for the fact that I am helplessly addicted to finding cute and adorable inspirations that haunt my dreams and make me feel absolutely awful… remind me again why I pin? Oh yeah! It’s FUN!


I would like to replace the kitchen counter with butcher block, that way it could act as a cutting board along with a counter top and serve a dual purpose in the small space. I am also considering a smaller sink. I like the round sinks from Ikea, although 8 of us will be camping together most times.

IMG_7426What on earth am I going to do with these drawers? WHY on earth do they have plastic edges?


Let’s not even discuss this picture. “A sandwich is a sandwich… but that’s a MEAL!” – Sinbad, from the movie Houseguest.

IMG_7422I DO love this back window and sink. It has the original charm that led me to want this little trailer.
IMG_7427THE FRIDGE WAS SPRAY PAINTED BLUE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH   IMG_7431My daughter looks how I feel right about now.  IMG_7483

I have learned over time that when a project is midway there is always chaos and disaster. It is as if we are attempting to win a war against ourselves. Life would be easy with an unlimited budget, of course. To be able to say “Do this – Do that.” To someone else.

However, there is this odd sense of accomplishment that seems to happen when you look at the bottom of a barrel of paint, or go to bed exhausted and layered in primer. I have NO IDEA how long this particular project is going to take. I have NO IDEA how I am going to be able to accomplish it, and I have NO IDEA how I am going to convince my children to give me more than 20 minutes of their time (willingly)… YET.  Perhaps tomorrow we will band together, sing “Cumbaya” grab some paint brushes, blink our eyes and the trailer will be finished… here’s hoping. 😛  (Signed – One Exhausted Momma)

P.S. I DID vacuum all the nastiness up… the kids are safe 😉

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